Thursday, July 10, 2008

Real Surgery Video of a Laproscopic RNY Gastric Bypass

Not for the squeamish

I'm one of those people who analyze everything. So before I underwent my WLS I sought out as much information as possible.

I was very fortunate that I had the opportunity to have my surgery at Duke Weight Loss Surgery Center, part of Duke University's Duke Health system, and an ASMBS designated Center of Excellence. A few nights before I went under the knife I found this video on their website.

It is a teaching video that shows the entire procedure from the view of the laproscopic camera. All of the important steps are included, the only things left out are the actual incisions for the ports (trocar sites) and the removal of the trocars and suturing of the incisions. Everything else is included though. It runs about 45 minutes.

Click image below for video - Real Video (.rv) Format - requires Real Player


I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier...

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