Sometimes, life after WLS can be "a real pain in the butt..."
This topic came up today on WLS In Your 20's and I thought I would dedicate an entry here about it:
This topic came up today on WLS In Your 20's and I thought I would dedicate an entry here about it:
Tailbone pain, sore butt, etc. It happens to a lot of us...The topic has come up at more than a few support group meetings.
I think the consensus seems to be that the cause has something to do with fat or tissue distribution and loose skin.
You know how when we lay down flat on our backs the extra skin sort of spreads out to our sides? Well it's kind of the same thing with our rears when we sit down, so the padding is spread thin - a "normal" person has their padding held in protecting their tailbone - follow? It's kind of like if you lay on an air mattress that doesn't have enough air in it - you hit the floor - or sit in a bean bag chair that isn't "fluffed" right - get the picture?
For some reason time seems to help resolve it, increasing the size and bulk of your glute muscles through exercise could help by increasing the padding, but most people say they either find different ways to shift and sit or invest in a nice cushion!
One last option, is my plastic surgeon said that if I let him do a circumferential body lift he could tuck some of the back skin underneath into the top of my butt - giving me more cushioning and enhancing the aesthetics by addressing my no-ass-at-all syndrome. No way for me - too expensive and sounds gross, but I thought I would mention it!
I SO have this problem! When we were camping last weekend, I couldn't sit by the fire for very long because my tail bone hurt! Oh, woe is my skinny tushy. :) I love the blog!
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